Exploring capitalism, climate change and politics through speculative fiction
Project Intro
Brief : The project went from looking at human inaction around climate change, to understanding the structures that lead to climate inaction, to building a speculative fiction that plays with structures of capitalism and politics.
(I'll add documentation for my project soon )
(I'll add documentation for my project soon )
Engaging with the artefact
Below is an artefact, that's been made after 3 prototypes and about 16 tests. If you're interested do engage with these artefacts!
Disclaimer before interacting with the artefact
All the characters, events, organizations, societies depicted in this artefact are fictitious. Any resemblance to above entities living or dead is purely coincidental.
Also, ensure your audio is at about 70% since there is some difference in audio levels across slides (dont want your ears to be blown)
Also, ensure your audio is at about 70% since there is some difference in audio levels across slides (dont want your ears to be blown)
Post artefact conversation